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Deltec​ Internal Skimmers BE


Deltec has released a special edition: the Black Edition. It works just as the other skimmers, but comes with important improvements such as a higher contact time of the air with the water, and an elevated ease of maintenance.

What are internal skimmers?
Internal skimmer have the skimmer pump built on the inside of the skimmer unit. This means that the skimmer can be used as a stand-alone, and does not require the purchase or installation of an external pump. 
The Internal skimmer stands within the sump, and needs to be partially submerged to function.

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Deltec Internal Skimmer

Black Edition

The powerful E-Flow Skimmer and Abyzz Skimmer pumps increase the contact time of the
air bubbles with the water by 2 ½ times compared with the Deltec Skimmer series.
The low-maintenance pumps are also easy to clean.
These pumps have a "soft start" that means the rotor is slowly accelerating to its power level
set on the controller.
This slow acceleration ensures start-up of the pump, even under difficult conditions.

Deltec Black Edtion 7i E-Flow and Abyss

SC 1351 - SC 2061 24VDC
i7 specs.png

Height in mm*: Includes 15mm to remove the skimmer cup

CS Manual**: Manually clean the skimmer cup by rotating the foam cup lid: This will scrape the cup with a silicon wiper

CS*** Cleaning system with/without syphon: The inner tube is cleaned every 4 hours automatically with a rotating silicon scraper

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